When it comes to pigmentation therapy, process is based on laser producing a wavelength of high energy light that converts into heat energy. Since the laser light is absorbed only by the cells that contain larger concentration of pigment, laser can target specific area of skin. That is the reason why the surrounding tissue remains undamaged while the targeted area is completely treated. Period of 7-10 days is required for the area to fade away. For the majority of people this treatment is neither too painful nor uncomfortable.
Melasma - Melasma is a skin change typical for women during and after pregnancy. It is most commonly manifested in the form of large dark areas on the face or other parts of the skin that are exposed to the sun. This problem is caused by hormonal disorders and exposure to the sun. Depending on the laser configuration and the intensity of the beam, 2-5 treatments are required during the period of 4-8 weeks.
Age spots (solar lentigines) - Age spots (solar lentigines) are small, dark areas of the skin that appear in the region of the face, arms and shoulders. Typical for people older than 50. They appear as a result of excessively active pigment cells that have been overexposed to sunlight over time. Less invasive ones last up to 2 hours. How many treatments will be needed depends on the amount and depth of the stains in the skin.
Freckles - Freckles are small, light brown spots manifested on the face typical for people with pale skin. They usually appear at a young age. Freckles appear and become darker due to exposure to UV-B radiation witch activates melanocytes and lead to increase melanin production. Usually only 1-2 treatments are required for complete removal and recovery period is one week.